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Smart solutions for Arctic National Parks and Nature Reserves. Finland-Russia-Norway. 

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Project is planning to address the common challenge of weakened sustainability of living, work, tourism and recreational environment in two Arctic National Parks: Vodlozersky National Park (NP) and Pasvik State Nature Reserve (SNR).
The evident decline in the environmental sustainability is largely occurring due to increasing anthropogenic impact on the nature and lack of access to the new technologies and solutions improving Parks’ Waste and Water Management (WWM) systems, as well as making the Parks
more attractive and comfortable to for their visitors, staff and local population.

Expected Outcomes

The project activities, IoT solutions, EcoMap, implementation and cross-border cooperation will create considerably lower environmental risks from the current conventional WWM systems in the regions. This will enhance the management of environment, lakes and groundwater in these important National Parks. With the project implementation and communication, project will have an impact to the Parks areas’ residents and visitors for more robust socio-economic development. Thus, making the regions more attractive for living, tourism, recreation and working.


Two Pilot testing for integration of the Arctic Parks Smart/IoT WWM Systems in one Digital Infographic Ecomap (EcoMap), providing open and specific content to the public and stakeholder based on the information confidentiality and sensitivity principles of the National Parks’ administrations and the WWM systems providers.


Unversity of OULU

Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90014

Oulu, Finland

Alexey Shveykovskiy

Project Coordinator

Tel: +358407461990

Elena Fedorova

Communication and Visibility Specialist

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